Independent Ageing 2023
Innovative Solutions & Technologies for the Ageing Population
A Comprehensive Approach
As life expectancy increases around the world, the pursuit of good quality of life at all ages becomes fundamental and relevant. Ageing adults seek independence in daily activities and want to stay connected with their people, communities, and environment. A combination of adequate public policies, environments and technologies can enable most people to continue with their independent lifestyles as they age.
Empowering Older Persons to Thrive
The Independent Ageing Convention is a platform for dialogue and collaboration, bringing together government, academia, the private sector, and civil society. Our aim is to promote the autonomy and independent living of older persons and improve their quality of life.
Join us in re-framing the conversation on ageing, shifting the focus from challenges to opportunities, and highlighting the valuable contributions of older persons to their communities and society.

Welcome Message From Our President

Welcome to the Independent Ageing Convention website.
My name is Hidenori Arai, President of this exciting event and also President of the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology in Japan.
The population ageing is a global phenomenon, and in most of the developed countries the number of ageing people is increasing thus having a huge impact on the society. Therefore, extending healthy life expectancy combined with high quality of life of ageing people is an urgent issue in many countries. Ensuring healthy and active longevity of the population requires the active involvement not only of healthcare industries, but also of businesses from a wide spectrum of other areas such as information and communication technologies , internet of things, robotics, mobility, housing, insurance, banking, etc.. Not to miss, the collaboration with local and central government has a vital and critical role in the process.
With these needs in mind, the Independent Ageing Convention has the aim to support the growing economy and related business sectors; to develop the industry and forge new collaborations; to showcase innovative solutions, products, services, technologies that can be adopted by the different stakeholders and business types in this growing economy; to create networking opportunities for attendees and exhibitors; and to create an informative program reflecting on business, consumer and healthcare needs.
I do hope many stakeholders related to healthy longevity will join us for this exciting opportunity. We look forward to welcoming you to The Independent Ageing Convention on 13-15 October 2023 in Aichi Sky Expo, Japan.

Innovative Solutions & Technologies for the Ageing Population
Sponsorship & Exhibition
Independent Ageing is an international B2B and B2P event. The sessions will be centered around a main exhibition area with opportunities to showcase directly to your audience, schedule meetings with partners, and network with other businesses and organizations.

Who Attends
Hospital managers, assisted living and hospice management, business managers working in the field.
Insurance companies, technology companies, developers and entrepreneurs.
Gerontologists, nurses, dieticians, therapists, dentists, hospital management and staff.
Government representatives and policy makers, NGOs, city planners, social services.
Product development, technology experts, sales representatives, product distributors.
Serviced housing, maintenance companies, digital banking and finance, HR professionals.
Cultural / social organisations, professionals in specialized sports, tourism, entertainment and more.
Representatives from many other related fields and people with interest in the topic.