Insights Hub

Welcome to the Insights Hub, your destination for news, articles, and insights from Independent Ageing partners and other sources. Here you’ll find a curated selection of content that highlights the latest trends, best practices, and innovations in aging-related fields. From informative articles and expert interviews to in-depth reports and case studies, we’ve got you covered. Be sure to check back regularly for new content and fresh insights!

Mainstreaming knowledge on Ageing: “Virtual Roundtable Series”

“Throughout the years, different stakeholders have struggled for the effective promotion and protection of the human rights of older persons. As a result, landmark steps have been taken at international level to strengthen the protection of this group, including the UN Principles for older persons (1991), the adoption of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing in 2002, the creation of the Open-Ended Working Group for the purpose of strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons (2010), the creation of the mandate for the UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons (2013,) and the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030), as well as the adoption of specific Resolutions in the framework of the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council.

While remarkable progresses in particular mechanisms, programs, projects, plans and campaigns have been developed to implement and follow up the commitments undertaken at local, national, regional, and international level, several challenges remain towards the full enjoyment of the rights of older persons.”

“The World’s Real-time Laboratory for Age-Tech” – White Paper

“At The Carter Group, we are in the business of understanding Japanese consumers and the trends that impact them. We use our expertise to illuminate opportunities for our clients, helping them to discover new approaches to product and service development and communications.

One of the most interesting and high-potential consumer segments in Japan is that of those aged 65+, a group that already represents nearly 30% of the total population, and is steadily expanding.

Herein, we’ve put together a few key points related to this important group of consumers, along with examples of how companies are already succeeding at fulfilling their needs and wants.”

“National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities”: a guide

“Our physical and social environments are major influences on how we experience ageing and the opportunities it brings. Creating age-friendly environments enables all people to age well in a place that is right for them, continue to develop personally, be included, and contribute to their communities while enabling their independence and health.

Developing age-friendly cities and communities (AFCC) is a proven way to create more age-friendly environments – for everyone. This guide provides direction to national authorities and stakeholders responsible for or involved in forming or sustaining national programmes for AFCC.

The guide includes suggestions for meaningful engagement of older people in creating age-friendly environments, detailed examples of existing national AFCC programmes, and practical steps for creating or strengthening such a programme. The vision of this guide is for all countries to establish a national AFCC programme by the end of the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021–2030) – neighbourhood by neighbourhood, city by city, and country by country.”

“National programmes for age-friendly cities and communities”: a toolkit

“The WHO guide to developing national programmes for age-friendly cities and communities is supported by a continuously updated toolkit to help you put the guide to action. Whether you are looking to sustain a national programme on age-friendly cities and communities or to advocate for such a programme, we are here to support you on your age-friendly journey.”